Imperial India Pale Ale/Double IPA


Marquee Version

6 Bridges Aphelion A Double IPA

Abomination Fog Nog Double Dry Hopped Double  India Pale Ale with Lactose and Spices

Abomination Gingerbread Fog Double Dry Hopped Double India Pale Ale with Spices

Alchemist Heady Topper

Almanac First Class Delivery Hazy Duble India Pale Ale Dry-Hopped with Nelson

Anchor Double Liberty IPA

Anderson Valley Heelch o' Hops

Atwater Conniption Fit

Avery the Maharaja

Ballast Point Dorado

Bell's Big Hearted IPA

Bell's Double Two Hearted Ale

Bell's Hopslam Ale

Bell's Hopsolution Ale

Bell's Mars Double India Pale Ale

Blue Moon Pine in the Neck

Blue Tarp Cascade Killa IPA

Blue Tarp Mother Hoppin Double IPA

Boulevard The Calling IPA

Boulevard Double Wide IPA

Breckenridge 471 IPA Barrel Series Citra

Brew Dog Hardcore IPA

The Brew Kettle El Lupulo Libre

The Brew Kettle Old 21

Bridgeport Hop Czar Imperial IPA

Bronx Brewery Now Youse Can't Leave

Brooklyn Blast

Burnt Hickory Old Wooden Head Imperial IPA

Captain Lawrence Pacific Dawn Imperial IPA

Carton 077XX East Coast Double India Pale Ale

Charleville Ale Mucho Hoppo

Cherry Street Steppin' Razor Double Dry Hopped IPA

Cigar City Florida Man Double India Pale Ale

Clown Shoes Eagle Claw Fist IPA

Clown Shoes Galactica

Clown Shoes Space Cake Double IPA

Coastal Brew Works Shooting Seastar DDH Double New England Style India Pale Ale W/ Citra, El Dorado & Cashemere

Columbus Bodhi Double India Pale Ale

Columbus Creeper Imperial India Pale Ale

Creature Comforts Cosmik Debris Double IPA

Deschutes Royal Fresh Imperial IPA

Diamond Knot Industrial IPA

Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

Dogfish Head Burton Baton Oak Aged Imperial IPA

Dry County Double County IPA

DuClaw Hop Tarts Wild Berry Double IPA

Due South Category 5 IPA

Elysian Space Dust IPA

Equilibrium King Al Double India Pale Ale

Equilibrium Moon of Vega Double India Pale Ale with Lactose and Vanilla

Evil Twin Every Day, Once a Day, Give Yourself an IPA

Evil Twin Yang Imperial Taiji India Pale Ale

Fat Head's Hop JuJu Imperial IPA

Fiddlehead Imperial IPA

Fiddlehead Second Fiddle Double IPA

Florida Beer Swamp Ape IPA

Flying Dog Double Dog Double IPA

Foolproof King of the Yahd

Fort Hill Jigsaw Jazz Double IPA

Frost Lush Double IPA

Gigantic Ginormous MK9 Imperial IPA

Great Divide Hercules Double IPA

Great Lakes Chillwave Double IPA

Great Lakes Lake Eerie Monster Imperial IPA

Green Flash Green Bullet Triple IPA

Green Flash Imperial IPA

Green Flash Palate Wrecker

Grey Sail Captain's Daughter

Grumpy Old Men Cyclone Larry IPA

Grumpy Old Men Grasshoppa Imperial IPA

Harpoon Big League

Harpoon Leviathan Imperial IPA

Heavy Seas Double Cannon Double IPA

Highland Hawaiian Lounge Juice Extra IPA

Hoof Hearted Konkey Dong 4UP Evolutions Aquatic Ape Theory Triple IPA

Ironmonger Anvil Double IPA

J. Wells Hop Haze Imperial IPA

Jackie O's Mandala Single Hop Imperial India Pale Ale

Jekyll Hoot'n and Holler'n Double IPA

Kohola Mighty 88 Double IPA

Lagunitas Beast of Both Worlds Bi-Coastal IPA

Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale

Lagunitas Little Sumpin' Extra

Lagunitas Maximus IPA

Lagunitas Sucks Brown Shugga' Substitute

Lagunitas Super Cluster Ale

Lagunitas the Waldos Special Ale

Laughing Dog Alpha Dog Imperial IPA

Lawson's Finest Liquids Double Sunshine Ruby Red Grapefruit

Lawson's Finest Liquids Sip of Sunshine IPA

Lazy Magnolia Timber Beast Rye IPA

Long Trail Brewmaster Series Double IPA

Lord Hobo Galactic Vagabond Double IPA

Lost Coast Lost Ghost Hazy DIPA

Market Garden Trouble Honey IPA

Maumee Bay Amarillo Brillo

Mason Ale Works Citra Claws Hazy IPA

Mason Ale Works Dankenstein's Monster Unfiltered Double IPA

Mason Ale Works Nelsonomicon Hazy Double IPA

Maui Double Overhead Double IPA

Melvin Lambda Lambda Lambda Triple IPA

Mendocino Winter Select Imperial IPA

Middle Ages Wailing Wench

Mikkeller Hop Burn High

Monday Night Blind Pirate Double IPA

Monday Night Space Lettuce Double IPA

Monday Night Wolf Snacks Double IPA

Mother's Doozy Double IPA

Moylan's Hopsickle Imperial IPA

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Fruit Force Fruit Punch IPA

New Belgium Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA

New England G-Bot Double India Pale Ale

New Realm Kikimora IPA

Ninkasi Tricerahops Double IPA

North Park Castle Dankskull DDH West Coast DIPA

Odd13 Enigma DDH Intergalactic Juice Hunter

Old Nation MI,MI,MI Triple New England India Pale Ale

Orpheus Transmigration of Souls Double IPA

Oskar Blues Double Dale's India Pale Ale

Oskar Blues G'Knight Imperial Red IPA

Oskar Blues Gordon

Oskar Blues Gubna

Other Half 4 EZ Payments Double Dry Hopped Triple IPA

Other Half Broccoli Double Dry Hopped Imperial India Pale Ale

Other Half Tomato Factory Double Dry Hopped Double India Pale Ale

Pariah Juicin' Vorhees Double India Pale Ale

Parish Ghost in the Machine Double India Pale Ale

Pipeworks Abominable Snowman vs Unicorn Hazy IPA with Lactose and Cryo Hops

Pipeworks Ninja vs Unicorn Double IPA

Portside Man O' War Imperial IPA

Pyramid Outburst Imperial IPA

Red Brick Brick Mason Double IPA

Reformation Rey Double IPA

RockSolid Goes to Eleven Hazy Double IPA

Rogue Farms 7 Hop IPA

Rogue Straight Outta Newport West Coast India Pale Ale

Rogue XS Imperial IPA

Rome City Clocktower Double IPA

Russian River Pliny The Elder

Samuel Adams Longshot Double IPA

Samuel Adams Longshot Magnificent Seven

Samuel Adams Rebel Raw

Samuel Adams Rebel Rouser

Samuel Adams Third Voyage

Shipyard XXXX IPA

Sierra Nevada Audition Double IPA

Sierra Nevada Atomic Torpedo Juicy West Coast DIPA

Sierra Nevada Cosmic Little Thing Hazy Double IPA

Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Across America West Coast Double IPA

Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Across the Word West Coast Style DIPA

Sierra Nevada Best of Beer Camp 29: Double IPA

Sierra Nevada Hop Bullet Double IPA

Sierra Nevada Hoptimum Whole Cone Imperial IPA

Sixpoint Mirror Image Hazy IIPA

Sixpoint Resin

Smuttynose Big A IPA

Smuttynose Cluster's Last Stand

Southern Star Valkyrie Double IPA

Southern Tier 2X Oak'D

Southern Tier 2XSMASH Single Varietal Double IPA

Southern Tier Oak Aged Unearthly IPA

Squatters Hop Rising Double IPA

Starr Hill King of Hop

Stochasticity Grapefruit Slam IPA

Stone Downunderstruck IPA

Stone Enjoy By IPA

Stone Imperial Star Fawker Hazy IPA

Stone Ruination IPA

Stone Sorry Not Sorry DIPA

Stoudt's Double IPA

Straight to Ale Gorillanaut Imperial IPA

Sweetwater 20th Anniversary Imperial IPA Featuring Hash on Brett

Sweetwater 420 Fest Double IPA

Sweetwater 420 Imperial IPA

Sweetwater Dank Tank Border Hopper Double IPA

Sweetwater Dank Tank Eff 2020 Triple IPA

Sweetwater Dank Tank Fresh Sticky Nugs Hazy Imperial India Pale Ale

Sweetwater Dank Tank Johnny Hash

Sweetwater Hop Hash Infused Double IPA

Sweetwater Strain Trainwreck Hazy Double IPA

Sycamore Double Candy India Pale Ale

Tantrum Look Closer IPA

Terrapin Side Project 12: Hopzilla Double IPA

Terrapin Side Project 27: Hi-10 Mango Habanero DIPA

Three Floyds Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker Double India Pale Ale

Three Floyds Dreadnaught Imperial India Pale Ale

Three Taverns Hoplicity Double IPA

Tilted Barn Maho Bay Double IPA

Toppling Goliath King Sue

Tree House Doppelganger Double IPA

Tröegs Nimble Giant Double India Pale Ale

Two Roads Road 2 Ruin Double IPA

Valley River Hangin' Dog Double IPA

Valley River October IPA

Victory Dirt Wolf Double IPA

Victory Hop Wallop

Wachusett Larry

Weldwerks Coffee Milkshake New England-Style Milkshake Double IPA

Weldwerks Evil Haze Factory

Weldwerks Extra Extra Bayou Juice Hazy Double India Pale Ale

Weldwerks Extra Extra Juicy Bits Galaxy

Weldwerks Transmountain Diversion Double IPA

Westbrook Shane's Big DIPA

Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA

Widmer Nelson Imperial IPA

Wild Barrel Santa's on the Juice

Wild Leap Alpha Abstraction Volume 2

Wiley Roots Citradankulous Double IPA

