Discipline Dubbel
Review Date 2/6/2022 By John Staradumsky
Not so long ago, I had my first beer from the relatively new Bold Monk Brewing Company of Atlanta, Georgia: Chant Lager, a European style lager in the pilsner category. I had it on tap at Taco Mac, and I enjoyed it, though really I have been on the lookout for the Belgian specialties from Bold Monk.
Perseverance pays off, and a Saturday ride to Sherlock’s in Kennesaw yielded a six-pack of assorted Bold Monk beers, two cans each of Indominus Quadrupel, The Way Tripel, and the beer I am here to talk about tonight, Discipline Dubbel.
It’s no secret that German Doppelbock is my very favorite style of beer, but Belgian Dubbel is right up there, too. The two styles are not all that dissimilar, as they both stress dark nutty malt flavors. These are definitely on display in Bold Monk’s Discipline Dubbel.
From the label:
It is an ascending desire to be self-aware and self-sustaining that fulfills his destiny. Fueled by humility and magnanimity, he creates a spirited structure and support for discipline. For if we allow ourselves not only to follow but to lead, St. Bernard can direct our predestination.
Bold Monk Discipline Dubbel has an alcohol content of 7.3% by volume and I paid $12.98 for my six-pack of assorted Bold Monk brews, not a bad price at all methinks.
Bold Monk Discipline Dubbel pours to a murky mahogany color with a medium head of creamy foam and a nose of dark toasted malts and figs. Taking a sip the beer is medium in body appropriate to the dubbel style. It’s packed with toasted nutty notes, toffee, brown sugar, rock candy, and dark fruity raisin and fig. I get hazelnut notes, some yeasty funk, and a warming alcohol finish.
This is one of the best Belgian-style Dubbels I’ve had from a brewery outside of Belgium. I will be looking for more of it, and it is likely going to end up a staple chez Bruguru. It’s a beer you’ll want to drink more of, and one that would take some discipline not to.
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned