When many people think of beer,
they think of cold beer. You’ve probably seen signs on bars and
liquor stores advertising ICE COLD BEER!!! or maybe COLDEST BEER
IN TOWN SOLD HERE!!!! . For most people, the colder the beer is the
better. But is this really a good thing? For light bodied American lagers
like Budweiser, Coors, and Miller it won’t hurt too much, since those beers
don’t have a lot of flavor to begin with.
But wait. I’m getting ahead of myself. Why is it bad to serve beer overly
cold, you ask? Cold deadens the taste sensation in your tongue, making it
difficult to pick up the flavors going on in your glass of beer. Serving
your beer at 45 to 55 degrees is probably the optimal range to really taste
it. Ok, you say, everybody makes fun of the Brits for serving warm beer, but
it’s really cool, not warm, and these guys know what they’re doing.
Sudwerk Privatbrauerei Hübsch pilsner pours to a light golden color with a
thick head formation and a bubbly, champagne like carbonation. The nose is
very fresh malty and appetizing. The palate delivers the crisp malt the nose
promises, two row pale malt to be exact. Hints of vanilla and butter are
present. The finish is delicate but with a touch of grassy and slightly
bitter Tettnangs and Hallertaus. The hops are not particularly aggressive,
so make sure not to serve this beer too cold, or you’ll miss them. My sample
was bottled on August 30th of this year, and is therefore about three months
old as I drink it.
“Hübsch” is German for cute in case you were wondering. I had never sampled
this cute little pilsner prior to this evening, and I am only sampling it
now as a result the generosity of Epinions premier beer writer, Joe
Prior to drinking this beer I happened to drink a very fresh glass of Samuel
Adams Boston Lager, broadly in the pilsner style. It was actually the more
flavorful of the two brews, though both had their respective merits. I
enjoyed my Hübsch pilsner this evening with a spinach and garlic pizza
garnished with fresh tomato slices.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For
reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.