Saranac Bohemian Pilsner pours to a bright golden color with a thick
and rocky head formation and a slightly herbal hop nose. The beer is very
well carbonated, and after pouring into my stemmed pilsner glass I see a
steady stream of bubbles rise to the top of until they ultimately reach
their destination at the head. A fine layer of Brussels lace clings to the
sides of the glass as well.
The palate is nicely packed with crisp, biscuity malt, though I think it
could use just a touch more depth. The malt is a tad creamy with a hint of
buttery diacetyl common to the style, but only a hint. Of course, I want
hops in a true Bohemian pilsner, and you'll certainly find them here.
They're at first herbal, slightly grassy, and in the finish they become
quite bitter indeed, depositing a long dry bitter buzz on the tongue that
lingers for a time after sipping, almost more reminiscent of a German pils
in their intensity.
All in all this is a well made pilsner modeled after the classic Urquell.
It's very drinkable, refreshing, and a nice addition to this year's 12 beers
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.