Rhino Chasers Amber Ale
Review Date 11/29/1999 By John Staradumsky
When the beer first came out, I ordered a case of the Amber straight from the brewery, it was one of the most delicious, fruity beers I've ever tasted. I think it was like $35 with shipping and this was many years ago, but it was worth every penny. Probably around 1992 when the La Times published an article about the beer that you can read here.
They quote Michael Jackson as follows about the beer:
"Perfumey maltiness of aroma and palate; its smooth, quite full body and its satisfying balance of hoppy dryness in the finish.”
They also have this description from another beer critic I grealty respect, James D. Robertson:
“Bright amber, big head, light citrus-ale aroma . . .bright and complex, dry hop aftertaste, good body, a pleasure to sip.”
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned