I sniff my beer, and get light crackery notes of tart wheat in the aroma.
Then I sip. The palate is lighter than I expect, even for a Wit. Wheat has
less fermentable and non fermentable sugars than barley, so imparts less
body. The more wheat you use, the lighter your beer will be.
Then I started looking for the notes of spice. In a Wit beer, I’m looking
for the distinct notes coriander imparts, plus some citrus from the orange
peel. Many Wit’s I have tried have subtle blueberry fruit notes, too.
Astonishingly, Ommegang Witte features only a faint hint of citrus and very,
very light coriander spice. It finishes slightly thin, with just enough
tartness to make the beer quenching.
Overall, this is a disappointing effort. I’m looking for a lot more flavor,
and I find even
Blue Moon White has more.
Allagash White is
much preferable in my opinion. I’ll likely give this a try again in the
future, hoping that subsequent batches improve. But for now, this is the
least impressive offering in Ommegang’s lineup.
Update 2/8/2018: Well, I said I would give this beer a try again in the future, and here we are, the future! Almost 14 years in the future mind you, but still, the future. I was at Taco Mac in Alpharetta, Georgia, and there was Ommegang Witte. Ommegang has always been one of my very favorite breweries, so I'm sure I've had this beer in the interim years, but not sure why I didn't take notes.
Ommegang says:
Witte is our version of the classic Belgian wit or "white" ale. Witte, which is actually Flemish for white, is brewed with malted and unmalted wheat, orange peel, and coriander - offering a refreshing style that showcases the Belgian talent for brewing full-flavored ales that are also light and balanced. It is pale straw in color, slightly hazy from the yeast, and topped with a huge white, fluffy head.
Ingredients from the website:
Malts: Pilsner, unmalted and malted
wheat, oat flakes
Hops: Spalt Select
Spices: Coriander, sweet orange peel
Yeast: Ommegang house yeast
Alcohol by volume is now given as 5.2% and IBUs at 11. I paid $6 for a 23-ounce mug at Taco Mac.
My mug of Ommegang Witte arrived a beautiful hazy pale blonde color with a thick head of foam and a tart fresh wehaty nose. Crisp crackery wheat, bright citrusy orange, pungent spicy coriander all showed up in the palate, and I found this to be the very model of a Witbier.
A much better experience this time around, and I am upgrading this from 3 stars to 4 1/2. It's that good and I can promise you, it won't be 14 years before I enjoy one again.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.