Fistful of Cake Opera Cake-Style Coffee Vanilla Imperial Stout

Review Date 04/11/2019     By John Staradumsky

Isn’t opera cake delicious? I sure think so. The fine folks at Atlanta’s Monday Night Brewery must love it, too. So much so, in fact, they brewed up a beer inspired by opera cake: Fistful of Cake Opera Cake-Style Coffee Vanilla Imperial Stout.

Monday Night says:

Inspired by the classic opera cake, this imperial stout is thick and decadent. We used coffee and a budget-breaking amount of vanilla beans to complement the roasty and rich base stout. Channel your inner 1-year old, and go to town on this one.

“Pastry stout” is the latest fad in the beer world. They’re nothing new; breweries have been making dessert inspired beers for decades. I’ll confess though that this one did grab my attention at Target and I bought a 4-pack. Munich, 2-Row,  and Carapils malts are used according to the brewery.

Monday Night Fistful of Cake Opera Cake-Style Coffee Vanilla Imperial Stout has an alcohol content of 9% by volume. I paid $12.34 for a 4-pack of pint cans at Target, said cans stamped with Bestby 09/01/19 batch id#939 PKG030119 on the bottom.

Monday Night  Fistful of Cake Opera Cake-Style Coffee Vanilla Imperial Stout pours to a jet black color with a thick creamy tan head and a nose of chocolate, coffee and vanilla frosting. Taking a sip, the beer is full in body and replete with coffee ground flavor. There’s roasty chocolate, not unlike those crunchy chocolate nodules in a Carvel Ice Cream Cake, and rich vanilla frosting. Warming dry roasty alcohol finishes this one out.

Luscious! I’ll be back for more.

And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.

*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.







