Landgang Pils
Review Date 12/24/2020 By John Staradumsky
For Christmas of 2015, my wife bought me a really cool present: BeerAdvent Calendar 2015 from Kalea. In truth, my wife got me a lot of nice presents (she’s the best wife ever), but the nice thing about the Beer Advent Calendar is you get it early. You have to, since it’s comprised of 24 different imported German beers in a box with little doors that you open, one per day from December 1st through December 24th. All of the beers are listed on the side of the carton, however, so be careful not to look and spoil the daily surprises!
I love German beer more than beer from any other country on Earth, so this was definitely right up my alley. I have managed to get my hands on one of these calendars each year since, and have never been disappointed. Overall, this is an amazing way to sample 24 German beers over 24 days, and I look forward to it every year. For the first three years, I've found these at Costco in Georgia and paid $59.95 for the box. In 2018, though, we were in Spring Hill Tennessee and I saw these on a pallet at the local Costco in mid-October. I grabbed one there to make sure I didn't miss out. They were up $5 to $64.95 (and indeed, when I did see them at the new Costco in Woodstock, Georgia a month later they were the same price). For 2019, I found them earlier than ever (September 26th) and bought one at Costco here in Georgia for $63.95, though curiously they were down to $59.95 on my next visit.
As with many things, 2020 proved to be a challenge for other reasons. Covid ravaged America, and one had to wonder if the 2020 Beer Advent Calendar would make it to America at all. Kalea said it would, so starting in early September, I made a weekly trek to Costco (masked, and practicing social distancing). On September 25th, there they were! I got one for myself, and one for my daughter's boyfriend, which she got him as a Christmas gift. I paid $62.99 and I am glad I did, because within a few weeks they were gone. Grab them when you see them friends!
That might sound steep, but when you distribute that price over 24 different half liter cans, it only works out to $2.62 per can. Not a bad deal at all looked at that way. It certainly does not stop these from selling, as I mentioned, they always go quickly.
For 2020, there are eight new beers in the mix and 16 returning favorites. I do like this, because there are a lot of the beers that I really enjoy, and want to enjoy again. It's like 16 old friends and 8 new ones in the same box. What's better than that?
On Day 16, December 16th, I opened the according door to find a can of Landgang Pils from Hamburg's Landgang Brauerei. Landgang is a small Hamburg craft brewer founded in 2015. I was excited to try a beer from them as you can imagine. Wanting to learn more about them, I scanned the bar code off the can on my phone, but all that it returned was a page of broken code.
Luckily, Landgang Brauerei has a website! On it, they say this about their beer:
Mitten in Altona haben wir unsere Craft Bier Brauerei neu gebaut. In einer Industriehalle mit Flair haben wir eine moderne Brauanlage eingebaut. Die Anlage ist auf das Brauen von Bierspezialitäten und Craft Bier ausgelegt. Sämtliche Teile der Anlage kommen aus europäischer Produktion, viele von deutschen Mittelständlern. 1000 m Rohre, durch die das beste Getränk der Welt fließt. High Tech für Slow Food.
If you don't speak German, allow me to translate:
In the middle of Altona we have rebuilt our craft beer brewery. In an industrial hall with flair we have installed a modern brewing system. The facility is designed for brewing beer specialties and craft beer. All parts of the plant come from European production, many from German medium-sized companies. 1000 m pipes through which the best drink in the world flows. High tech for slow food.
Altona is a section of Hamburg. I did not know this, but Wikipedia helped me out.
They say this about the Pils:
Hamburgs Biertradition ist eng mit der Hanse verbunden. Schon vor 500 Jahren wurde Bier aus Hamburg exportiert. Wir brauen dieses Pils als Erinnerung an diesen wichtigen Teil der Hamburger Geschichte. Pils ist das vielleicht am beiläufigsten getrunkene Getränk. Landgang ist unser Gegenentwurf.
Which means:
Hamburg's beer tradition is closely linked to the Hanseatic League. Beer was exported from Hamburg 500 years ago. We brew this pils as a reminder of this important part of Hamburg's history. Pils is perhaps the most casual drink. Landgang is our counter-draft.
I think by counter draft they mean their version of the style. Landgang says their pilsner Rockt gegen: Durst (rocks against thirst). They peg it at 4.9% alcohol by volume, although my can puts it at 5%. It is stamped EXP 2022/05. The can does say the beer was brewed by Landgang in Hamburg and is not a contract brew to Egerer as many have been in years past. Egerer does the canning presumably.
Landgang Pils pours to a golden straw color with a thick fluffy white head and a crisp biscuity malt nose. Taking a sip, the beer is again very crisp and biscuity, like chewing a handful of malt (but drinking it). The beer is permeated with grassy herbal character and a long dry lingering bitter hop finish. Compared to the Käuzle Pils I drank a few days ago also received in this calendar, The Landgang was more bitter and had more hop character, just and outstanding German pilsner with a powerful bitterness. Have I mentioned this beer is bitter?
I’m greatly enjoying my Beer Advent Calendar 2020 with the day 16 beer. Here’s looking forward to the remaining 8, and another assortment of 24 in 2021. We’ll be on the lookout next year at Costco once again! Follow them on their Facebook page.
The beers of the 2020 Beer Advent Calendar:
Day 1 Flötzinger Hell
Day 2 Furst Carl Kellerbier
Day 3 Käuzle German Pilsner Style
Day 4 Zwönitzer Steinbier
Day 5 Graminger Kirta Dunkles Weissbier
Day 6 Propeller Bier Turbo Prop Pilsner
Day 7 Egerer Jubiläumsbier 333
Day 8 Hohenthanner Tannen Hell
Day 9 Perlernzauber German Pale Ale
Day 10 Herrnbrau Tradition Bayerisches Festbier
Day 11 Ankerbrau Nordlingen Grandl Helles Lagerbier
Day 12 Loncium Vienna Style Lager
Day 13 Schwarze Tinte Collab Stout
Day 14 Herrngiersdorf Hallertauer Hop Cuvee
Day 15 Burgerliches Brauhaus Altbairisch Hell
Day 16 Landgang Pils
Day 17 Alpinebrauerei Burgerbrau Alpen Stoff
Day 18 Herrnbrau Jubilaums Sud
Day 19 Erlkonig Hell
Day 20 Hosl Marzenbier
Day 21 Perlernzauber IPA
Day 22 Kurpfalz Bräu Kellerbier
Day 23 Egerer Bären Weisse
Day 24 Ladenburger Weizenbock Hell
Glad I tried it? T
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned