Did you know that the legendary Australian hard rock band AC/DC had a new album in 2015? They did. It was called Rock or Bust, and truth be told that’s about all I know about it. I’m not a heavy metal fan really, nor am I an avid follower of AC/DC. In fact, I wasn’t even aware that the band was still together, or that they had a new album, until I bought a can of AC/DC Premium Lager Beer. Beer. Now you’re speaking my language.
Now, AC/DC may be an Australian band, but AC/DC Premium Lager is a thoroughly German beer. Indeed, the can label boldly touts this on the label as a combination of German Beer Australian Hardrock. AC/DC Premium Lager is in fact brewed by the Karlsberg Brauerei of Hamburg, Germany, in the business of brewing great beers since 1878.
In style, this is a pilsner beer and has an alcohol content of 5% by volume according to the can. That can is a bit larger than the perfunctory half liter size at 568 ML or 19.21 ounces; I paid $2.29 for mine at Sherlocks in Kennesaw, Georgia.
AC/DC Premium Lager Beer pours to a pale golden color with a thick fluffy white head formation and an inviting fresh biscuit and grassy hop nose. Taking a sip, the beer has that same crisp biscuity malt up front followed by an aggressive herbal, long dry grassy hop bitterness. It’s perhaps a bit more bready than the nose suggested, but all in all this is a straightforward classic German pils, and a very good one at that.
Though I wasn’t Thunderstruck by this beer, I expect the brewery intent was a Shoot to Thrill the drinker with a less than High Voltage beer that will put you Back in Black. Perhaps best enjoyed on a Rock n Roll Train on the Highway to Hell, AC/DC Premium Lager Beer Shook Me All Night Long. If you feel the same, perhaps someday you can Have a Drink on Me.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.