Moon of Vega Double India Pale Ale with Lactose and Vanilla
Review Date 2/1/2025 By John Staradumsky
May the Schwartz be with you! Yogurt said that. Yes indeed he did, in the movie Spaceballs, he said that. That’s Yogurt on the can of Equilibrium’s Moon of Vega Double India Pale Ale with Lactose and Vanilla. I’ll confess as a Star Wars and Spaceballs fan, there was just no way I could pass up on this beer. Obviously, I didn’t.
Equilibrium says:
Using a Citra whirlpool and a giant dryhop of Citra and Citra Lupomax we then conditioned this beer on Madagascar vanilla and a Touch of lactose.
Equilibrium Moon of Vega Double India Pale Ale with Lactose and Vanilla is a collaboration beer between Equilibrium and Colorado’s J Wakefield, neither a stranger to hazy New England style IPAs. The beer has an alcohol content of 8.7& by volume, and I paid $7.99 for my can from Half Time, and Total Wine sells it for $28.99 a 4-pack in their Greenville, South Carolina stock. Sadly, they are currently out of stock. My can has no freshness dating.
Equilibrium Moon of Vega Double India Pale Ale with Lactose and Vanilla pours to a hazy grapefruit juice color with a prodigious fluffy white head and a nose of soft vanilla and citrusy grapefruit. Taking a sip, the beer is medium in body, about average as these beers go. It’s immediately citrusy with grapefruit rind and major juiciness of tangerine and orange., too. It’s creamy from the vanilla and the lactose, almost orange Julius like, and at the last quite bitter in the finish, which I appreciate.
I liked this beer well enough, and I would definitely drink it again, but I do think $29 for 4 cans of it is a little ridiculous. I rate it 4 stars out of 5 as these beers go, but I will take off a half star for the too high price.
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned