The Stonewall Inn IPA

Review Date 8/28/2024 By John Staradumsky


Why did it take me so long to try Brooklyn Brewing’s The Stonewall Inn IPA? I’m sure I don’t know. One reason, I think, is I haven’t seen it that often. I don’t recall seeing it. I do buy a fair amount of Brooklyn beer, especially the Black Chocolate Stout, and their Brown Ale (much beloved by me) when I can find it. Recently, though, I saw the beer for sale at Total Wine, and picked up a pint can.

When I bought the beer, I didn’t know the background, but went to the brewery website to learn more. Being a strong supporter of LGBTQ rights, I was pleased with what I read. Live and let live, folks. Everyone deserves life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It’s not your place (or mine) to tell others how to live their lives.

Brooklyn says:

The Stonewall Inn IPA is a fearless IPA for all. With unabashed notes of citrus peel and grapefruit, this unapologetic and refreshing IPA reminds us of where we’ve been and celebrates where we’re going. This is a beer for everyone, no exceptions.

The Stonewall Inn has been a beacon for the global LGBTQ+ Pride movement since the famous Stonewall Uprising in 1969. The Brooklyn Brewery is very proud to partner with The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative (SIGBI) and to help make the world a more loving place, one beer at a time.

Brooklyn The Stonewall Inn IPA has an alcohol content of 5% by volume and I paid $3.79 for my pint can at Total Wine, where it sells for $10,99 a 4-pack. My can is stamped BB 11/30/2024.

Brooklyn The Stonewall Inn IPA pours to a hazy yellow color with a thick cauliflower head and a nose of vibrant citrus grapefruit. Taking a sip, the beer is light to medium in body, more on the light side really. That’s about right though for a session IPA. The beer is easy drinking and again citrus fruity, with a little melon and a hint of tropical fruit. Finishes with dry citrus zest.

I know some people will not drink this beer just because of the backstory. If you hate someone for being who they are, that’s on you. I would encourage anyone to learn about the Stonewall Riots (you can here at and learn about the oppression and outright hatred LGBTQ people have faced.

For my part, I will be drinking more Stonewall Inn IPA, both to support the cause, and because it’s a great beer.

Glad I tried it?  T

Would I rebuy it??

*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.

(B)=Bottled, Canned


