I thought this was interesting: Ballast Point Sea Rose Tart Cherry Wheat Ale. I know, I know, everybody beats up Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat but I love that beer so had high hopes for this one. What’s more, Ballast Point Sea Rose is also brewed with pomegranates (or their juice at least). That sounded promising.
I enjoy beers like this in warm weather. They’re tasty and refreshing and hey, the first beer of the day/night with the sun shining and the thermometer on 78 shouldn’t be an imperial stout. At least not for me.
Ballast Point says on their website:
Our Sea Rose tart cherry wheat ale is a fresh take on fruit beers. Originally conceived during an employee-led R&D brew, it’s one of our most imaginative recipes yet. The American wheat style is light and clean, while fresh cherry juice adds a soft coral color and fruity nose that gives way to a dry, slightly tart finish. It’s approachable, yet unexpected—exactly what we love to brew.
Ballast Point Sea Rose Tart Cherry Wheat Ale has an alcohol content of 4% by volume with 8 IBUS and runs $9.99 a six-pack at Total Wine.
Ballast Point Sea Rose Tart Cherry Wheat Ale pours to a bright golden color with a thick fizzy head that fades as quickly as it forms and a lightly tart nose. Taking a sip, the beer is very light in body with only hints of cherry, but that allows the light pomegranate to pop a little better. The beer is thin in flavor and body but light in alcohol (good). Finishes with a slight tartness.
I might buy Ballast Point Sea Rose Tart Cherry Wheat Ale again, it’s a decent warm weather refresher and I really like the low alcohol content, too. It’s not my favorite fruit beer, but it’ll do in a pinch.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.