For August of 2018, Ballast Point beers are the featured beers of the month at Taco Mac, and tonight I’m enjoying a brimming mug of their Fathom IPA. Say now, that sounds familiar. Fathom IPA. Haven’t I had that one before? In fact, I had not. The beer I was thinking of was Ballast Point Fathom IPL. Close in name, but not the same.
Anyway, I did enjoy the Fathom IPA and was glad I ordered it. Ballast Point says this about it on their website:
IPA highlights our favorite characteristics of the west-coast IPA style.
This crisp and clean brew features a touch of malt on the surface with an
ocean of zesty orange and piney hops below. The result is a refreshing, easy
drinking IPA with just the right amount of depth.
Ballast Point Fathom IPA has an alcohol content of 6% by volume with 50 IBUs. I paid $5.72 for a 23-ounce mug at Taco Mac with a free logo glass included and the beer runs $9.99 a six-pack in cans at Total Wine.
My mug of Ballast Point Fathom IPA arrived bright orange in color with a thick head of foam and lush orange pineapple in the nose. Taking a sip, the beer has light caramel malt, more of the citrus in the palate, resiny pine, and a long dry bitter finish.
A bit of classic American IPA with a twist of drinkability.
And remember, try a new beer today, and drink outside the box.
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.