Sneak Attack Saison
Review Date 9/18/2017 By John Staradumsky
Hey? What’s up with George Washington? There he is with a mug of beer and a big old beer belly crossing the Delaware for a sneak attack on the British, no doubt to steal all their beer. It’s well documented, you see, on every can of 21st Amendment Sneak Attack Saison. Per that same can label, this is a Farmhouse Ale Brewed with Cardamom.
When I think of saison, I generally think of spring or summer. These light spicy ales are perfect for warm weather imbibing. Still and all, you can enjoy any beer at any time of year you like, and 21st Amendment seems to agree. From their website:
You might not expect a Saison in winter. But the enemy didn’t expect Washington to cross the icy Delaware, either. Expectations be damned, we say. We’re sneaking up on winter with a boatload of bravado and this Belgian-style farmhouse ale. Dry hopped with whole organic cardamom pods, our Saison has an assertive spiciness. In your face, winter.
Sneak Attack is our late winter seasonal beer available from January through March in six pack cans and on draft. The perfect antidote to the big beers of winter…
Dry hopped with whole organic cardamom pods? Shouldn’t that be dry cardamommed? I think so.
Ingredients from the website:
Bittering Hops: Magnum
Yeast: Saison Yeast
Flavor: Organic Cardamom Pods
Malts: Pale Malt, Crystal Malt, Belgian Light Candi Sugar
21st Amendment Sneak Attack Saison has an alcohol content of 6.2% by volume with 38 IBUs. It sells for $8.99 a six-pack here in Georgia.
21st Amendment Sneak Attack Saison pours to a pale-yellow color with a thick but short lived spritzy head formation and an appetizing spicy nose. Taking a sip, the beer is crisp malty up front with hints of pear fruit, spicy cardamom and dry white pepper. A little yeasty funk emerges just before the dry spicy finish.
Quite tasty indeed, and a beer that I would certainly buy again.
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned