Back in Black IPA
Review Date 3/21/2014 Last Updated 10/15/2017 By John Staradumsky
Bonus! The other day at Kroger I walked by a cart full of marked down beer. Now, normally I eschew such “bargains” here-it usually means the stuff has been sitting around for a while and is likely way past its prime. They take it from refrigerator case and stick it in a cart at room temperature (maybe supermarket temperature is a better term-it’s cold in Kroger), and you may not like what you get. This stuff though, was fresh, only a few months old when I bought it. And for $4.54 for a six-pack of 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA? A no brainer.
The bonus part comes in because I really liked the beer, too, which has not really been the case with several beers from 21st Amendment. I do love India Dark Ales, though, which is the style this beer was brewed in. Not sure if that makes it harder or easier to please me, but 21st Amendment did please me with with Back in Black.
Here’s what the brewery says about the beer on their website:
Inspired by Paul Revere’s midnight ride, we rebelled against the British style IPA, embraced the more aggressive American version and then recast it in bold, brave, defiant black. Our Black IPA is a Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of the expected.
Back in Black is our newest year-round beer available now in six pack cans and on draft. Brewed like an American IPA but with the addition of rich, dark malts, this beer has all the flavor and hop character you expect with a smooth, mellow finish.
Not so what’s so special with the bit about rebelling against English style IPAs; American brewers have been doing that since the 80s. I suppose they needed a tagline, though. Back in Black IPA has an alcohol content of 6.8% by volume and 65 IBUs. The normal price for this beer is $8.99 a six-pack, and I think that’s quite fair. Here are the ingredients according to 21st Amendment:
Bittering Hops: Columbus
Flavor Hops: Columbus, Centennial
Malts: Rahr Pale Malt, Crystal 45L, Munich, De-Bittered Black
21st Amendment Back in Black IPA pours to a dark black, but not opaque color with a thick, indeed towering head of rocky foam and a delicious dark malty piney nose. Sipping, the body is medium here with dark roasty malts, licorice and chocolate followed by some very resiny, piney and perhaps slightly citric hop notes in aroma and flavor., The beer finishes with more resin and a very long, very dry, very bitter finish. The body here is not too thick, and the dark malts work so well with the piney hops, making this an excellent India Dark Ale.
A steal at $4.54, but I’d definitely pay the full price to enjoy this one again.
Update 10/15/2017: And I did. A brimming mug of 21st Amendment Back in Black made me happy on a fine fall Sunday afternoon. I love India Dark Ales, and this one is consistently one of my favorites. $6 for a 23-ounce mug at Taco Mac. Roasty, hoppy, delicious.
Glad I tried it?
Would I rebuy it??
*Pricing data accurate at time of review or latest update. For reference only, based on actual price paid by reviewer.
(B)=Bottled, Canned